Stoney Ridge Farmer

A few years ago, the Stoney Ridge Farmer moved from a 1/3-acre lot in the city to a 150-acre farm nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.

Join him on his journey to build a successful farming venture — rehabilitating the old, overgrown, washed out, and gullied tobacco farm he bought and working to restore soil quality in his fields with minimal fertilizer and lots of hard work — and enjoy the insights he learns & shares along the way!

Watch the videos below and check out more on YouTube.

The New Crop

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Vlogs, DIY tutorials, gardening wisdom & more from STONEY RIDGE FARMER!

Get to know RFD-TV’s “The New Crop!”

RFD-TV partners with a handful of agricultural social media influencers who we’ve dubbed “The New Crop.” These folks take to the internet to tell their stories — and at the same time, raise awareness of where our food comes from, and all that goes into feeding the world population.

Misilla is the host of Learn to Grow and The Crafty Mom on YouTube. A Pacific Northwest mother of four who is passionate about organic gardening, sustainable living, homesteading, and education, her videos and social media posts consist of gardening, outdoor recreation, healthy living, crafts, science experiments, DIY projects, and delicious recipes.
How Farms Work is a family-friendly YouTube channel that showcases beef and crop farms located in Southwestern Wisconsin. Equipment operation, techniques, and farming strategies are all first-hand accounts given by Ryan, an Agriculture Business major whose family runs these farms.
Cole Sonne is a fourth-generation farmer living in Southeastern South Dakota. His family farm raises Black Angus bulls and grows alfalfa, grass, hay, corn, and soybeans. Cole says, “I make these videos for your entertainment (and for my own, as well)!”
A few years ago, the Stoney Ridge Farmer moved from a 1/3-acre lot in the city to a 150-acre farm nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina.
Tara Beaver Coronado (formerly known as Beaver Vineyards) is a farmer in Northern California. She raises grain crops with her dad. Tara planted her very first vineyard in 2018. Her channel is centered around her daily life on the farm, as well as promoting the diversity and scale of California agriculture.
Farm Traveler is for people who want to connect with their food and those who grow it. Thanks to direct-to-consumer businesses, agritourism, and social media, it’s now easier than ever to learn how our food is made and support local farmers. Here on the Farm Traveler, we want to connect you with businesses offering direct-to-consumer products you can try at home, agritourism sites you can visit with your family, and exciting new technologies that are changing how your food is being grown.
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