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Herds are showing growth in areas like the Northern Plains and some states in the Western U.S. where ranchers have seen more rainfall. However, for operations across the rest of the United States, that is not the case.
According to The American Simmental Association, bovine congestive heart failure is showing up more often in feedlots, and it is a real problem not discussed frequently in the industry.
Iowa corn growers are reporting signs of corn lodging due to extreme heat and dry weather conditions in the region. However, despite the difficult weather conditions, alfalfa crops are gaining quality points.
The United Soybean Board representatives say export and trade development is critical for increasing international demand.
Calling all FarmHers! RFD-TV’s sister network, FarmHer, just announced a new initiative in the works to empower women in agriculture at a one-day event in Iowa this November.
Lower production and higher prices, that’s what the USDA Outlook Board sees for the cattle industry next year.
Diesel prices are on the rise, posing a huge challenge for farmers as they navigate their operations through the beginning of harvest season for many key U.S. crops.
In a recent survey by Purdue University, researchers asked consumers nationwide about potential pork price increases in relation to California’s controversial Prop 12 legislation. The results might be surprising as grocery-store prices continue to break the bank.