Nationwide crop performance exceeds expectations and paving the way for a bountiful harvest season, according to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Crop Progress Report for Sept. 25, 2023.
The USDA’s latest crop forecast for corn and soybean production will impact U.S. producers as well as make an impact on global trade.
The global corn harvest is underway and remains a focal point for researchers in the United States. The progress of the global soybean and wheat harvests is also top of mind.
This month marks a significant milestone as the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s (USDA) World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) Report celebrates its 50th anniversary.
As extreme heat bears down on a large portion of the country, crews from across Louisiana are battling intense wildfires in Beauregard Parish.
From tar spot and white mold to Soybean Cyst Nematodes—current weather patterns are making things tough of soybean producers when it comes to battling increasing crop disease pressure.
The group along with the Soy Transportation Coalition is celebrating the checkoff’s infrastructure investment to help dredge the lower Mississippi River.
“Working hard and going strong” was the theme of the day — bailing the wheat straw, and planting soybeans in the same fields they had just harvested went on into the night.
The growing season is in full swing and pests and diseases are already making their rounds.
A new study identified compounds within a “failed” tuberculosis treatment that effectively fight some herbicide-resistant “superweeds” in Australia. Researchers say their findings could be a “game-changer for the agriculture sector.”