Loren’s Dream: Fallen hero’s passion lives on in bucking bull

Army Corporal Loren Miles Buffalo grew up a cowboy and a patriot with a dream to raise bucking bulls. He was killed in Afghanistan in 2011, but his passion for PBR lives on thanks to his mother.

An Arkansas mom is paying tribute to her fallen son with a bull that bears his name, Loren’s Dream. The bull’s name carries the memory of Army Corporal Loren Miles Buffalo, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2011.

Buffalo grew up a cowboy and a patriot with a dream to raise bucking bulls.

“It took me a long time,” said AJ Buffalo, his mother. “I started out helping another contractor by raising his young bulls out here for him. Then, four years later, I received Lauren’s Dream as a gift — so he kind of started it all.”

Loren’s Dream is a part of the Professional Bull Riding (PBR) tour and has even performed in the legendary Madison Square Garden in New York City. The bull also has an impressive lineage: he is the grandson of two PBR World Champion bulls, the legendary Bushwacker and Panhandle Slim.

“Anytime I flank this bull, I shed a tear,” said AJ. “I think about my child and I think about all of the heroes that have gone before and after my son.”

AJ says any time she is in the chutes with Loren’s Dream it means more than just a ride. She adds: every bit of this experience is a way to tell the story of her son, what he loved most, and why he gave his life for this nation.

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